If you're self-employed and you want to learn about retirement planning and investing, this podcast is for you. Matt Franklin covers everything from investing basics, to alternative investments, to retiring abroad. We're going to talk about how to find cash-flowing assets that can beat stock market returns with less risk. We'll also get into tax-reduction strategies, asset protection, macroeconomics and other financial goodness, along with other info you need to know as you approach retirement, including social security, medicare, travel, health, longevity and more.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on the podcast, but I'm a points whore. I've got about a million air miles accumulated and about a half million Marriott points. Now I'm getting more aggressive on the accumulation of hotel …
I've been self-employed for 15 years, and currently in "pre-tirement." After appearing on Shark Tank for one of my businesses, I've spoken to hundreds of entrepreneurs, and one thing I've noticed that's almost universal is that we're woefully unprepared for retirement.
I've been obsessed with investing and retirement planning for the last five years, and through my research, along with some good (and bad) decisions, I've been able to shave almost 10 years off my working life.
If you're self-employed and you want to retire sooner, wealthier and happier, this podcast is for you. We're not going to talk about the traditional 60/40 portfolio that leaves you stuck with the 4% rule for the rest of your life. We're going to talk about investing in cash-flowing assets to blow up your returns. We'll also cover tax-reduction strategies, asset protection, macroeconomics and other financial goodness, along with other info you need to know as you approach retirement, including social security, medicare, travel, health, longevity and more.