Sept. 28, 2023

Can Hyperinflation In Argentina Be Fun? NPR Says "Si Señor!"

Can Hyperinflation In Argentina Be Fun? NPR Says

Today on your favorite retirement podcast, I'm breaking down a really dumb episode of NPR's "Planet Money" podcast. Listening to them make light of the Argentinian inflation crisis made me wanna slap someone, but I thought YOU might find their treatment of the issue interesting. So, because I LOVE YOU and I CARE ABOUT YOU, I put together some excerpts from the episode and broke down some of the ridiculousness I encountered.

Overall, I probably come off like a total dick (and maybe I do in every episode??) but my point is that no matter where you get your content from, it's informed by the bias of the journalists, or whoever's writing/producing/performing. Left or right, up or down, whatever.

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