Investing Episodes

Aug. 5, 2021

What The Hell Is ESG Investing? Should It Be Part Of Your Retirement Plan? And A Damien Hirst NFT Update...

Let's face it: The more woke we become as a society, the more we're going to need to feel good about the environmental, social and governance policies of the companies we invest in for our retirement. Okay, maybe not all of u...
June 23, 2021

Solo 401(k) DEEP DIVE w/Jordan Sheppard: Checkbook Control of Your Retirement Account

If your accountant hasn't told you about the solo 401(k), you need to hear this episode. This structure could help accelerate your retirement plan by giving you checkbook control and allowing you to invest in an insane variety of assets, from real estate to crypto and much, much more.
June 14, 2021

Your First Real Estate Syndication: What It's Like From Beginning To End. Could This Be Part Of Your Retirement Plan?

Real estate syndications as part of your retirement plan. Truly passive income for people who want to retire with real estate. You can do this...
May 24, 2021

What is the REAL Inflation Rate? How Will it Affect YOUR Retirement?

Many self-employed people, when doing their retirement planning, fail to take into account just how much inflation will eat into their income over time. Today I'm going to offer my take on inflation and why nobody really knows what YOUR rate of inflation is or will be...
May 10, 2021

Self-Directed IRAs: What You Need To Know - With Jordan Sheppherd

The self-directed IRA is the ultimate secret weapon for entrepreneurs who want to turbo-charge their retirement plan. This episode it totally kickass.
April 19, 2021

Interview w/Andrew Stotz: Minimizing investment risk, living abroad, tips for entrepreneurs and more...

Today’s guest is Andrew Stotz, host of the podcast, “My Worst Investment Ever.” I’m super excited to have him as the first guest of this show, because he’s a very experienced investor and analyst, he’s REALLY smart, and he’s lived in Bangkok since 1992, so he’s an all-around interesting dude.
April 8, 2021

Buying Out-of-State Turnkey Properties. You Can Do it. And it CAN Accelerate Your Retirement Plan.

Buy a turnkey rental property out of state. It's easier than you might think.
March 16, 2021

A Paid Off Home Mortgage is a Sign of Financial Illiteracy, PART I

Is it really smart to pay off your home early? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
March 8, 2021

The Rule of 72, Compound Interest, A Cool App, and Taxpayer-Subsidized Rectal Heroin

Most people are familiar with the concept of compounding interest. But if it really is the eighth wonder of the world, maybe it's worth a quick review. And everyone should know the "rule of 72," so we'll cover that today as w...
Feb. 25, 2021

Accredited Investor Status: Are Poor People Dumber Than Rich People?

Often you'll see investment opportunities that are for "accredited investors" only. Today we'll learn what exactly you need to have/earn in order to qualify for the accredited investor standard. It's not complicated, but if y...
Feb. 21, 2021

The 4% Rule and YOU.

Today we're gonna give a brief rundown on the 4% rule, originally developed by William Bengen. The 4% rule had me paralyzed back in the day, because I didn't think I'd ever have enough of a nest egg to retire. Based on this r...
Feb. 5, 2021

Why Do Entrepreneurs Suck At Retirement Planning?

After talking to hundreds of entrepreneurs in the last 15 years, I've discovered four main reasons that most of us are failing to adequately prepare, save and invest for retirement. Today I'll be discussing these four reasons...