Aug. 13, 2021

Retirement News For Friday August 13, 2021: Atlas Shrugged, Infrastructure Bill and Your Retirement, Thomas Sowell, Crypto News, Portland Circles the Bowl...

Retirement News For Friday August 13, 2021: Atlas Shrugged, Infrastructure Bill and Your Retirement, Thomas Sowell, Crypto News, Portland Circles the Bowl...

Check out this week's RETIREMENT NEWS here!

In retirement news today we cover a lot of ground...

I finished Atlas Shrugged and I hope you'll read it if you haven't yet.

Infrastructure bill passes and things ain't looking pretty when the budget bill passes.

Dig this chart of the P/E ratio for the S&P 500 going back to 1950:

Crypto retirement news...

Here's a link to the online event with the author of the new Thomas Sowell biography:   4732-cascade-policy-institute-online-event-discovering-life-thomas-sowell-authorunsigned.html

Be sure to check out my retirement planning podcast website at

And as always, be sure to email me at with questions about YOUR retirement